
Saturday, 30 July 2011

Twelfth Night in Rendlesham Forest

REVIEW: TWELFTH NIGHT at Rendlesham Forest Centre
Families happily picnicking, blankets strewn beneath the pines, the enticing scent of a barbeque on the fresh evening air, frolicking children and Elizabethans with archaic greetings; it is the atmospheric Rendlesham Forest setting which lends this show its enchantment. Played on a stage in a clearing in the wood, this production of Twelfth Night marks the twelfth consecutive year of Red Rose Chain Shakespeares here.
The reason for the endurance of these productions is clear; Red Rose’s Twelfth Night is captivating, an introduction to Shakespeare, light-hearted entertainment for children, a vibrant adaptation for the more seasoned theatre-goer. All things to all men. But it’s not just intellectually stimulating. There is a real sense of magic in the air, the stage-enclosing branches and trunks of verdant pines, the creeping dusk falling on the players and peeping stars above, surreal glimpses of top-hatted Malvolio striding in the forest beyond as the offstage players flit between the trees.
Malvolio is undoubtedly the star of this show; ridiculously “cross-gartered” in a yellow and black striped one-piece, his dignity sacrificed for the love of his mistress, Olivia. Indeed its hard to drag one’s gaze from the gawky Edward Bean’s perfectly executed physical comedy. Against this the romance of the tale, and the rest of the cast, take a back seat. It’s a sensible decision on the part of director Joanna Carrick, to focus on the laughs from a family-dominated audience, but I could not help but feel that a bit of love had been lost.
This is really the only criticism I can find. Twelfth Night is an extremely enjoyable performance. The set is delightful; two beach huts, Orsino’s purple and Olivia’s red, with bunting laced between them, and a wooden rowing boat to one side. There’s exquisite animal puppetry of cawing seagulls and the three-manned dog, some punchy songs and comic audience interaction. Twelfth Night is a cracking show in a beautiful location. Take the kids, the grannies and the picnic for a night of magic and laughter.

"Twelfth Night" is playing at Rendlesham Forest Centre until August 28th. For tickets and more information see

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